St. Francis United Church is situated in the small town of Sedgefield in the heart of the Garden Route, South Africa. We have a Church Membership of about 130 folk of which about 95 are regular worshippers at our services. We are led by an ordained Minister and a nine member Church Council. Most of our members come from different Church backgrounds and have united together to form a community of believers whose aim is to continue the work of Christ; fulfilling His commission to ‘make disciples’, to ‘feed my sheep’ and to ‘care for my lambs’.
A loving, nurturing, CHRIST centered community, reaching UPWARD to GOD in worship and prayer, INWARD in ministry and fellowship and OUTWARD to the greater Sedgefield in mission and service.
The 08:00am service each Sunday celebrates Christ’s grace to us in a Communion Service. This is a liturgical service which is a little more formal than the 09:30am morning service.
The format for the 09:30 service may vary incorporating a special focus like Harvest Festival or presentations from the church choir and visiting ministers.
Members of St Francis represent many of these denominations but may also be from denominations other than those represented by the CUC. Through worshipping with us they have found a place where they are both blessed and have the opportunity to be a blessing to and within the community.
The St. Francis United church in Sedgefield welcomes all with open hearts. This page is based off their page where more detailed information can be found, click here.