Lawn and Auto in Sedgefield sells everything you’ll need to maintain a beautiful garden, which includes: Garden Equipment & Machinery, Garden Tools, Garden Products and more.
We do repairs & rentals!
Visit us in Main Road, 6 Houtappel Centre. Or give us a call on 044 343 2406 / 060 627 5664.
We stock:
Lawnmower accessories
Leaf blowers
Pressure washers
Cylinder Push Mowers
Ride-on lawnmowers
2 stroke oil
Gardening equipment
and more….
Be sure to visit Lawn & Auto in Sedgefield for all your gardening needs, advice, garden products & tools!
Here are 10 Ways to Care for Your Garden: How to Keep Plants Alive
Proper garden care can increase the quality and longevity of your plants, fruits, and veggies. A few hours of full sun is a must for nearly every plant, but different plant species require different levels of care. If you want your outdoor crops and beautiful flowers to withstand the seasons, it’s important to learn the right way to take care of your garden.
How to Care For Your Garden/Gardening Tips
Plant care can be simple when you know what to look for. Below are a few key care tips for maintaining a vibrant and healthy garden:
- Check the health of your plants. Whether you’re transplanting plants from nurseries or growing your own from seeds, fully inspect your garden plants to make sure they are pest and rot free. Bringing in infected or diseased plants can harm the whole garden. Aside from plant disease, destructive bugs like aphids, gnats, and whiteflies should be eliminated using the appropriate pesticides or other effective extermination methods.
- Water properly. Overwatering can lead to fungi growth, leaf spots, and unhealthy plants. Only water as often as necessary during the growing season for your specific plant species, and let the soil dry between waterings to keep from oversaturating. The trick is to keep your garden well-watered but not soaking, and avoid wetting the foliage. Water directly onto the soil instead. This is easy to do when watering by hand, but if you want to automate things, opt for a drip irrigation system rather than sprinklers.
- Treat your soil. Soil degrades over time and needs to be refreshed every so often. You can buy new soil from
a local garden center, so make sure to check the quality of your garden soil and replace when necessary. Adding mulch is also useful for retaining the soil moisture of your garden. Mulching material will keep weeds down while also supplying organic matter to your soil when it begins to degrade. Fertilizing your garden is another method to keeping it healthy. Depending on the type of plant species you’re growing, use the right amount of fertilizer and apply appropriately to make sure you don’t overstress your plants.
- Clean your gardening tools. Garden tools should be cleaned to control disease and prevent transferring any bacteria or dangerous elements into your garden. In addition to the other methods of garden care, clean tools can help keep your garden healthy longer.