Welcome to Fair Mount Tombstones / Grafstene / Headstones in George!
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How to select a tombstone:
Designing and erecting a headstone is an important part of honoring your deceased loved one. Understanding the cemetery regulations, setting a budget, choosing appropriate materials, and locating a reputable supplier will make selecting a headstone less stressful.
- Identify the cemetery’s size limitations for head stones. Each cemetery has its own set of rules and regulations for the size and type of headstones that can be erected. While large headstones might be accepted by some cemeteries, others have strict rules that limit a headstone’s size.
- Call the cemetery where you will be interring your loved one and ask them if there are size limitations on headstones.
- Consult the cemetery about regulations on headstone type. Many cemeteries strictly monitor the type of headstone you can erect or the material from which it is constructed. For example, there are cemeteries that allow only bronze or granite headstones.
- Try calling the cemetery and ask them if there are any restrictions on the type of headstone or headstone construction materials.
- Determine if you will need to hire someone to install the headstone. While some cemeteries offer installation services, others will require that you hire a local monument installer to safely erect the headstone. Be sure to inquire about installation costs if this is a service the cemetery offers.
- If the cemetery doesn’t offer installation services, use the yellow pages or internet to locate a local monuments installer.
- Know your rights. Many cemeteries charge a variety of fees for installation of the monument, perpetual care, and other add-on services. Some may try to tell you that they are the only ones who can install a headstone in the cemetery, but this may just be a way to dissuade customers from using an outside source and thus increase internal revenue. If a cemetery tells you that gravestones from outside sources are not allowed, ask them to show you their by-laws.
Please give us a call today or visit Fair Mount Tombstones / Headstones / Grafstene in George to discuss your unique needs!